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What if artificial intelligence could be trained on localized data that is accessible by everyone?

Open for Good improves localized AI training data in Africa, Asia and beyond

The lack of localized training data of sufficient quality is one of the major obstacles for localized AI innovation in Africa and Asia. Therefore, Open for Good focuses on localized training data in Africa, Asia and beyond. Training data that is locally relevant and the related technical questions are often overlooked by initiatives which work on access to AI. Open for Good therefore provides a platform for the coordination and exchange of good practices that is currently needed.

Increased availability and quality of openly available training data

Localized training data for artificial intelligence and machine learning

Representative and non-discriminatory training data

Localized AI to improve public services, strengthen private sector development and foster sustainable development

How do we achieve our goals?


Alliance members make training data sets openly available.

We are making training datasets openly available, helping existing open training datasets to be found and supporting their maintenance.


We facilitate the coordination and exchange of good practices and ideas.

We convene members of the community to discuss the latest developments around the collection of datasets and applications of AI, support the development of standards where needed, and share successful examples.


The alliance increases the public awareness for the benefits of openly available, unbiased and localized training data

What is Open for Good?

Our alliance wants to overcome one of the major obstacles for developing localized AI solutions: localized training data of sufficient quality

That’s why we’re committed to open, non-discriminatory and localized training data for artificial intelligence and machine learning. With our members, we ultimately aim at creating training data commons.
